
本实用新型涉及一种蓝牙体温计,是基于蓝牙微控制器,温度测量的新型体温计,可实现对人体体温的实时监测,涉及到电子体温计,医疗设备行业领域. The utility model relates to a Bluetooth thermometer, is based on Bluetooth microcontroller, the new thermometer temperature measurement, can achieve real-time monitoring of body temperature, relates to electronic thermometers, medical equipment industries. 它包括壳体,壳体内置有无线通信功能的微型控制器,温度传感器与无线通信功能的微型控制器连接;移动设备的客户端模块与微型控制器通过无线蓝牙信号连接. It includes a housing built-in wireless communication function microcontroller, temperature sensor and a wireless communication function of the microcontroller is connected; mobile device client module and the microcontroller is connected via wireless Bluetooth signals. 本实用新型的体温计通过单片CC2541微型控制器,可实现温度信号采集,蓝牙通信功能,并通过蓝牙进行传输,可实现实时全天候测量的功能,并通过专用软件进行分析,弥补了传统体温监测的不足. The utility model thermometer through the CC2541 chip microcontroller, enabling the temperature signal acquisition, Bluetooth communication, and transmission via Bluetooth, enabling real-time clock function measured, and analyzed by special software, to make up for the traditional temperature monitoring insufficient.



