Getting the IWebBrowser2 interface for each HTML frame the IWebBrowser2 interface for each HTML frameThis code enumerates the frames of a HTML page loaded in the WebBrowser control to get they
Getting the IWebBrowser2 interface for each HTML frame
This code enumerates the frames of a HTML page loaded in the WebBrowser control to get they IWebBrowser2 interface.
Note: This tip is based on the Microsoft KB article 196340 and requieres the OLELIB.TLB type library.
Sub EnumFrames(ByVal wb As WebBrowser)
Dim pContainer As olelib.IOleContainer
Dim pEnumerator As olelib.IEnumUnknown
Dim pUnk As olelib.IUnknown
Dim pBrowser As SHDocVw.IWebBrowser2
Set pContainer = wb.Object.Document
' Get an enumerator for the frames
If pContainer.EnumObjects(OLECONTF_EMBEDDINGS, pEnumerator) = 0 Then
Set pContainer = Nothing
' Enumerate and refresh all the frames
Do While pEnumerator.Next(1, pUnk) = 0
On Error Resume Next
' Clear errors
' Get the IWebBrowser2 interface
Set pBrowser = pUnk
If Err.Number = 0 Then
Debug.Print "Frame: " & pBrowser.LocationURL
End If
Set pEnumerator = Nothing
End If
End Sub