Just like a router or switch device, also like a linux box, users can use the terminal to manage them, what should we have in a public cloud env in this period?

I think:

People logged in the cloud, and can do the tings in the cloud.

ssh xxx@xxxconnect the cloud management interface
show infrastrutureslist the Machine clusters that have its own vms and the firewall
use infrastruture my1enter the context of the one infrastrues
show vmslist the vms in the my1
show routerslist the router in the my1
show firewalllist the firewall config that what port open or what port close in my1
create infrastrutures my2create a new cluster
use my2enter the new infrastructures
create new vm myvm2-1create a new vm
create new vm myvm2-2create a new vm
create new router my2-routercreate a router

To Name it:

Cloud Infrastructure Common Management Interface - CICMI


