xposed 框架学习
xposed 框架学习xposed 框架学习一xposed 启动过程app_main虚拟机二hook流程分析findAndHookMethodfindMethodExacthookMethod1hookMethodNativehookedMethodCallbackhandleHookedMethodinvokeOriginalMethodNative三注册流程分析一、xp...
xposed 框架学习
一、xposed 启动过程
看这篇最好看下zygote启动分析,其实很简单的,就是 xposed 对app_process 进行了修改加入了启动xposed的分支。个人觉得拿xposed的app_main.cpp和原来的app_main.cpp比较就很清楚。
然后对比了下原来的和现在的app_main 我们 看下main函数,
看到没有就这么点区别,翻译过来就是如果xposed存在就加载xposed的main ,如果不存在就加载原来的main 。那我们看下de.robv.android.xposed.XposedBridge.main
try {
runtime = getRuntime();
if (initNative()) {
XPOSED_BRIDGE_VERSION = getXposedVersion();
if (isZygote) {
startsSystemServer = startsSystemServer();
} else {
log("Errors during native Xposed initialization");
} catch (Throwable t) {
log("Errors during Xposed initialization");
disableHooks = true;
// Call the original startup code
if (isZygote)
这边又是个if 在if上面就是xposed多出来的代码 ,上面的代码就是初始化xposed 啊 什么的。然后xposed就启动了。至于怎么工作的后面第三章会讲到。
在比较的时候还看到下图, 虚拟机被改掉了 onVmCreated 。这里加入了 xposed::OnVmCreate 这里买你大概进行了后面要用的本地函数的注册什么的 我没详细看。据说对后面5.0的art是很重要的什么的。
先看下常用的 函数
findAndHookMethod(ActivityThread.class, "handleBindApplication", "android.app.ActivityThread.AppBindData", new XC_MethodHook() {}
当时我就不乐意了 凭什么他这个可以 替换别人的方法,很想知道下是怎么做的。
public static XC_MethodHook.Unhook findAndHookMethod(Class<?> clazz, String methodName, Object... parameterTypesAndCallback) {
if (parameterTypesAndCallback.length == 0 || !(parameterTypesAndCallback[parameterTypesAndCallback.length-1] instanceof XC_MethodHook))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("no callback defined");
XC_MethodHook callback = (XC_MethodHook) parameterTypesAndCallback[parameterTypesAndCallback.length-1];
Method m = findMethodExact(clazz, methodName, getParameterClasses(clazz.getClassLoader(), parameterTypesAndCallback));
return XposedBridge.hookMethod(m, callback);
我是菜鸟真没怎么看懂,大概意思说 通过这个findMethodExact方法 找到这个clazz的Method。怎么找???好吧在进入这个方法findMethodExact看看
public static Method findMethodExact(Class<?> clazz, String methodName, Class<?>... parameterTypes) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(clazz.getName());
String fullMethodName = sb.toString();
if (methodCache.containsKey(fullMethodName)) {
Method method = methodCache.get(fullMethodName);
if (method == null)
throw new NoSuchMethodError(fullMethodName);
return method;
try {
Method method = clazz.getDeclaredMethod(methodName, parameterTypes);
methodCache.put(fullMethodName, method);
return method;
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
methodCache.put(fullMethodName, null);
throw new NoSuchMethodError(fullMethodName);
我是不知道它讲什么,算了反正就找到了 这个method,OK? 而且还把这个method 设置成了可见method.setAccessible(true); 是这个意思吗?
我们回到2这边 看他最后 弄了个 这个 XposedBridge.hookMethod(m, callback); 我们跟进去看看
public static XC_MethodHook.Unhook hookMethod(Member hookMethod, XC_MethodHook callback) {
if (!(hookMethod instanceof Method) && !(hookMethod instanceof Constructor<?>)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only methods and constructors can be hooked: " + hookMethod.toString());
} else if (hookMethod.getDeclaringClass().isInterface()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot hook interfaces: " + hookMethod.toString());
} else if (Modifier.isAbstract(hookMethod.getModifiers())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot hook abstract methods: " + hookMethod.toString());
boolean newMethod = false;
CopyOnWriteSortedSet<XC_MethodHook> callbacks;
synchronized (sHookedMethodCallbacks) {
callbacks = sHookedMethodCallbacks.get(hookMethod);
if (callbacks == null) {
callbacks = new CopyOnWriteSortedSet<XC_MethodHook>();
sHookedMethodCallbacks.put(hookMethod, callbacks);
newMethod = true;
if (newMethod) {
Class<?> declaringClass = hookMethod.getDeclaringClass();
int slot = (runtime == RUNTIME_DALVIK) ? (int) getIntField(hookMethod, "slot") : 0;
Class<?>[] parameterTypes;
Class<?> returnType;
if (hookMethod instanceof Method) {
parameterTypes = ((Method) hookMethod).getParameterTypes();
returnType = ((Method) hookMethod).getReturnType();
} else {
parameterTypes = ((Constructor<?>) hookMethod).getParameterTypes();
returnType = null;
AdditionalHookInfo additionalInfo = new AdditionalHookInfo(callbacks, parameterTypes, returnType);
hookMethodNative(hookMethod, declaringClass, slot, additionalInfo);
return callback.new Unhook(hookMethod);
我靠这么多 这你能懂 。。。 让我们删除些没用的看看
AdditionalHookInfo additionalInfo = new AdditionalHookInfo(callbacks, parameterTypes, returnType);
hookMethodNative(hookMethod, declaringClass, slot, additionalInfo);
现在好了 它把所有的 信息弄成了个 additionalInfo 和hookMethod 传下去了
private native synchronized static void hookMethodNative(Member method, Class<?> declaringClass, int slot, Object additionalInfo);
你妹啊 native 哭~~~~。据说这个方法在Xposed-master/libxposed_dalvik.cpp 中
void XposedBridge_hookMethodNative(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jobject reflectedMethodIndirect,
jobject declaredClassIndirect, jint slot, jobject additionalInfoIndirect) {
// Usage errors?
if (declaredClassIndirect == NULL || reflectedMethodIndirect == NULL) {
dvmThrowIllegalArgumentException("method and declaredClass must not be null");
// Find the internal representation of the method
ClassObject* declaredClass = (ClassObject*) dvmDecodeIndirectRef(dvmThreadSelf(), declaredClassIndirect);
Method* method = dvmSlotToMethod(declaredClass, slot);
if (method == NULL) {
dvmThrowNoSuchMethodError("Could not get internal representation for method");
if (isMethodHooked(method)) {
// already hooked
// Save a copy of the original method and other hook info
XposedHookInfo* hookInfo = (XposedHookInfo*) calloc(1, sizeof(XposedHookInfo));
memcpy(hookInfo, method, sizeof(hookInfo->originalMethodStruct));
hookInfo->reflectedMethod = dvmDecodeIndirectRef(dvmThreadSelf(), env->NewGlobalRef(reflectedMethodIndirect));
hookInfo->additionalInfo = dvmDecodeIndirectRef(dvmThreadSelf(), env->NewGlobalRef(additionalInfoIndirect));
// Replace method with our own code
method->nativeFunc = &hookedMethodCallback;
method->insns = (const u2*) hookInfo;
method->registersSize = method->insSize;
method->outsSize = 0;
if (PTR_gDvmJit != NULL) {
// reset JIT cache
char currentValue = *((char*)PTR_gDvmJit + MEMBER_OFFSET_VAR(DvmJitGlobals,codeCacheFull));
if (currentValue == 0 || currentValue == 1) {
MEMBER_VAL(PTR_gDvmJit, DvmJitGlobals, codeCacheFull) = true;
} else {
ALOGE("Unexpected current value for codeCacheFull: %d", currentValue);
事实告诉我们看到这么长的不用紧张 ,慢慢看总能提取有用的信息 isMethodHooked(method) 说如果hook了就直接反回了
同 他这个方法是这么判断的 return (method->nativeFunc == &hookedMethodCallback); 结合下面的 就清楚了
method->nativeFunc = &hookedMethodCallback;
method->insns = (const u2*) hookInfo;
method->registersSize = method->insSize;
method->outsSize = 0;
关键是将 method->nativeFunc = &hookedMethodCallback; 如果这个method 被指定到 hookedMethodCallback 这个函数就算是hook到了 &hookedMethodCallback 相信我 这个应该是个函数指针 到这个函数看看 这个函数怎么 把原来的 函数接上的 而且还会加入 beforeHookedMethod和afterHookedMethod 真不知道是咋么弄的 。。。。 可是这个 Method类真的是 How old are you,怎么老是你。都不知道是什么, 在 android 源码的Object 类中找到了。幸好我是过四级的,裸考真的,当时忙着电子设计大赛就没空读书,结果随便去考下结果433 过了四级。大概翻译下。
* A method. We create one of these for every method in every class
* we load, so try to keep the size to a minimum.
* Much of this comes from and could be accessed in the data held in shared
* memory. We hold it all together here for speed. Everything but the
* pointers could be held in a shared table generated by the optimizer;
* if we're willing to convert them to offsets and take the performance
* hit (e.g. "meth->insns" becomes "baseAddr + meth->insnsOffset") we
* could move everything but "nativeFunc".
struct Method {
/* the class we are a part of */
ClassObject* clazz;
/* access flags; low 16 bits are defined by spec (could be u2?) */
u4 accessFlags;
* For concrete virtual methods, this is the offset of the method
* in "vtable".
* For abstract methods in an interface class, this is the offset
* of the method in "iftable[n]->methodIndexArray".
u2 methodIndex;
* Method bounds; not needed for an abstract method.
* For a native method, we compute the size of the argument list, and
* set "insSize" and "registerSize" equal to it.
u2 registersSize; /* ins + locals */
u2 outsSize;
u2 insSize;
/* method name, e.g. "<init>" or "eatLunch" */
const char* name;
* Method prototype descriptor string (return and argument types).
* TODO: This currently must specify the DexFile as well as the proto_ids
* index, because generated Proxy classes don't have a DexFile. We can
* remove the DexFile* and reduce the size of this struct if we generate
* a DEX for proxies.
DexProto prototype;
/* short-form method descriptor string */
const char* shorty;
* The remaining items are not used for abstract or native methods.
* (JNI is currently hijacking "insns" as a function pointer, set
* after the first call. For internal-native this stays null.)
/* the actual code */
const u2* insns; /* instructions, in memory-mapped .dex */
/* cached JNI argument and return-type hints */
int jniArgInfo;
* Native method ptr; could be actual function or a JNI bridge. We
* don't currently discriminate between DalvikBridgeFunc and
* DalvikNativeFunc; the former takes an argument superset (i.e. two
* extra args) which will be ignored. If necessary we can use
* insns==NULL to detect JNI bridge vs. internal native.
DalvikBridgeFunc nativeFunc;
* Register map data, if available. This will point into the DEX file
* if the data was computed during pre-verification, or into the
* linear alloc area if not.
const RegisterMap* registerMap;
/* set if method was called during method profiling */
bool inProfile;
看懂啦? 我也没看懂。但是没关系我们知道它会调用 method->nativeFunc = &hookedMethodCallback; 看下啊
dvmCallMethod(self, xposedHandleHookedMethod, NULL, &result, originalReflected, (int) original, additionalInfo,…)
在这里调用了xposedHandleHookedMethod 我先告诉你这个是调回java的XposedBridge类中handleHookedMethod函数; 然后你们自己看下为什么会是xposedHandleHookedMethod 等于 XposedBridge类中handleHookedMethod。
/** This is called when a hooked method is executed. */
void hookedMethodCallback(const u4* args, JValue* pResult, const Method* method, ::Thread* self) {
if (!isMethodHooked(method)) {
dvmThrowNoSuchMethodError("Could not find Xposed original method - how did you even get here?");
XposedHookInfo* hookInfo = (XposedHookInfo*) method->insns;
Method* original = (Method*) hookInfo;
Object* originalReflected = hookInfo->reflectedMethod;
Object* additionalInfo = hookInfo->additionalInfo;
// convert/box arguments
const char* desc = &method->shorty[1]; // [0] is the return type.
Object* thisObject = NULL;
size_t srcIndex = 0;
size_t dstIndex = 0;
// for non-static methods determine the "this" pointer
if (!dvmIsStaticMethod(original)) {
thisObject = (Object*) args[0];
ArrayObject* argsArray = dvmAllocArrayByClass(objectArrayClass, strlen(method->shorty) - 1, ALLOC_DEFAULT);
if (argsArray == NULL) {
while (*desc != '\0') {
char descChar = *(desc++);
JValue value;
Object* obj;
switch (descChar) {
case 'Z':
case 'C':
case 'F':
case 'B':
case 'S':
case 'I':
value.i = args[srcIndex++];
obj = (Object*) dvmBoxPrimitive(value, dvmFindPrimitiveClass(descChar));
dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc(obj, self);
case 'D':
case 'J':
value.j = dvmGetArgLong(args, srcIndex);
srcIndex += 2;
obj = (Object*) dvmBoxPrimitive(value, dvmFindPrimitiveClass(descChar));
dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc(obj, self);
case '[':
case 'L':
obj = (Object*) args[srcIndex++];
ALOGE("Unknown method signature description character: %c", descChar);
obj = NULL;
setObjectArrayElement(argsArray, dstIndex++, obj);
// call the Java handler function
JValue result;
dvmCallMethod(self, xposedHandleHookedMethod, NULL, &result,
originalReflected, (int) original, additionalInfo, thisObject, argsArray);
dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc(argsArray, self);
// exceptions are thrown to the caller
if (dvmCheckException(self)) {
// return result with proper type
ClassObject* returnType = dvmGetBoxedReturnType(method);
if (returnType->primitiveType == PRIM_VOID) {
// ignored
} else if (result.l == NULL) {
if (dvmIsPrimitiveClass(returnType)) {
dvmThrowNullPointerException("null result when primitive expected");
pResult->l = NULL;
} else {
if (!dvmUnboxPrimitive(result.l, returnType, pResult)) {
dvmThrowClassCastException(result.l->clazz, returnType);
终于回到java了 好爽,不对,,,,, 你妹啊 刚进函数就又遇到native 哦 前面两个invokeOriginalMethodNative 好像意思是说 没有hook成功或者 null什么的就调用 invokeOriginalMethodNative 就是原来的方法咯。先不看这个native。先看下面的说 ((XC_MethodHook) callbacksSnapshot[beforeIdx]).beforeHookedMethod(param)和((XC_MethodHook) callbacksSnapshot[afterIdx]).afterHookedMethod(param)就是调用我们的“病毒代码了”。这样应该差不多了解了整个hook的过程。然我们最后看下它调用invokeOriginalMethodNative 的原理
* This method is called as a replacement for hooked methods.
private static Object handleHookedMethod(Member method, int originalMethodId, Object additionalInfoObj,
Object thisObject, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
AdditionalHookInfo additionalInfo = (AdditionalHookInfo) additionalInfoObj;
if (disableHooks) {
try {
return invokeOriginalMethodNative(method, originalMethodId, additionalInfo.parameterTypes,
additionalInfo.returnType, thisObject, args);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw e.getCause();
Object[] callbacksSnapshot = additionalInfo.callbacks.getSnapshot();
final int callbacksLength = callbacksSnapshot.length;
if (callbacksLength == 0) {
try {
return invokeOriginalMethodNative(method, originalMethodId, additionalInfo.parameterTypes,
additionalInfo.returnType, thisObject, args);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw e.getCause();
MethodHookParam param = new MethodHookParam();
param.method = method;
param.thisObject = thisObject;
param.args = args;
// call "before method" callbacks
int beforeIdx = 0;
do {
try {
((XC_MethodHook) callbacksSnapshot[beforeIdx]).beforeHookedMethod(param);
} catch (Throwable t) {
// reset result (ignoring what the unexpectedly exiting callback did)
param.returnEarly = false;
if (param.returnEarly) {
// skip remaining "before" callbacks and corresponding "after" callbacks
} while (++beforeIdx < callbacksLength);
// call original method if not requested otherwise
if (!param.returnEarly) {
try {
param.setResult(invokeOriginalMethodNative(method, originalMethodId,
additionalInfo.parameterTypes, additionalInfo.returnType, param.thisObject, param.args));
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
// call "after method" callbacks
int afterIdx = beforeIdx - 1;
do {
Object lastResult = param.getResult();
Throwable lastThrowable = param.getThrowable();
try {
((XC_MethodHook) callbacksSnapshot[afterIdx]).afterHookedMethod(param);
} catch (Throwable t) {
// reset to last result (ignoring what the unexpectedly exiting callback did)
if (lastThrowable == null)
} while (--afterIdx >= 0);
// return
if (param.hasThrowable())
throw param.getThrowable();
return param.getResult();
invokeOriginalMethodNative 是怎么弄的应该很简单的
void XposedBridge_invokeOriginalMethodNative(const u4* args, JValue* pResult,
const Method* method, ::Thread* self) {
Method* meth = (Method*) args[1];
if (meth == NULL) {
meth = dvmGetMethodFromReflectObj((Object*) args[0]);
if (isMethodHooked(meth)) {
meth = (Method*) meth->insns;
ArrayObject* params = (ArrayObject*) args[2];
ClassObject* returnType = (ClassObject*) args[3];
Object* thisObject = (Object*) args[4]; // null for static methods
ArrayObject* argList = (ArrayObject*) args[5];
// invoke the method
pResult->l = dvmInvokeMethod(thisObject, meth, argList, params, returnType, true);
看上面的代码就这么简单 看不懂没关系 懂得待该意思就可以了 然后实践项目的时候就会知道了
稍微看了下loadmodules() 有个地方卡住了 明天再看。
loadmodules是很简单的这边就 不帖代码了。 就后他就是把 机器里面所有 Xposed Module的 类 加载到了 一个Map里面。就这么结束了 看。
public static XC_LoadPackage.Unhook hookLoadPackage(XC_LoadPackage callback) {
synchronized (sLoadedPackageCallbacks) {
return callback.new Unhook();
当时我就不乐意了 ,就这么结束了。。。我以为会全部一起hook下 走第二章那样的流程。 把它们所有要替换的函数放到这边,就不管了吗?什么时候hook?回家想了一晚上没想出来,今天问下领导,领导:说在app启动的时候,哦!!!!这个时候我们要倒回第一章的地方。de.robv.android.xposed.XposedBridge.main
不是做了些初始化吗?然后才有个IF就是那个初始化的时候,有个initForZygote(); 这里对一些主要的方法进行了hook。
findAndHookMethod(ActivityThread.class, "handleBindApplication", "android.app.ActivityThread.AppBindData", ...
findAndHookMethod("com.android.server.ServerThread", null,Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 19 ? "run" : "initAndLoop"...
hookAllConstructors(LoadedApk.class, new XC_MethodHook() {...
主要是他们都会执行这个 XC_LoadPackage.callAll(lpparam)这个就好了 callAll这个里面就是 上次加入进去的所有sLoadedPackageCallbacks.add(callback); hook的函数。这样就清楚了 ,当app启动的时候会加载。这边需要的额外知识是app启动的分析。
大概就这么结束了 现在我在考虑的一个问题的是 这个loadmodules是在app_process 启动的才会加载的,这样当 Module有变化的时候需要重启机器才能 更新Module这显然不科学。因为不可能当你app升级的时候,或者有新的module的时候,让用户去重启机器。后面考虑两种方案
- 1、在外部通过动态加载jar实现
- 2、系统加入实时监听主动更新module