如果你还没有条件一人使用两台电脑的话,建议你还是使用虚拟机。 VMware目前是用的最多的一个虚拟机软件。我们可以在它的里面装linux,然后所有的编程,调试均可以在里面进行。就跟操作两台机器一样。一台装windows2000是主机,一台装linux。VMware是VMware公司出品的一个多系统安装软件。利用它,你可以在一台电脑上将硬盘和内存的一部分拿出来虚拟出若干台机器,每台机器
我在vmware里装的是redhat的FC4 系统。安装之后最好装上vmwaretool方便操作。在vmware菜单里有安装目录。点击后直接进入linux下的cdrom,里面已经有两个映射文件在了,运行安装文件既可以完成安装。不过安装结束后你仍然不能享受,得运行一下配置命令才可。在VMware的帮助文件中有详细的步骤:
Help->User's manual->Creating a New Virtual Machine->Installing VMware Tools->VMware Tools for Linux Tools
Installing VMware Tools within X
You can install VMware Tools within X using the .tar installer in a terminal window. See Installing VMware Tools from the Command Line with the Tar Installer.
To install VMware Tools from X with the RPM installer:
1. Choose VM > Install VMware Tools.
The guest operating system mounts the VMware Tools installation virtual CD.
2. Double-click the VMware Tools CD icon on the desktop.
Note: In some Linux distributions, the VMware Tools CD icon may fail to appear when you install VMware Tools within an X windows session on a guest. In this case, you should continue installing VMware Tools as described in Installing VMware Tools from the Command Line with the Tar Installer, beginning with step 3.
3. Double-click the RPM installer in the root of the CD-ROM.
4. Enter the root password.
5. Click Continue.
The installer prepares the packages.
6. Click Continue when the installer presents a dialog box saying Completed System Preparation.
A dialog appears for Updating system, with a progress bar. When the installer is done, VMware Tools are installed. There is no confirmation or finish button.
7. In an X terminal, as root (su -), configure VMware Tools.
Respond to the questions the installer displays on the screen. Press Enter to accept the default value.
Note: Be sure to respond yes when the installer offers to run the configuration program.
8. Launch the VMware Tools background application:
vmware-toolbox &
Note: Some guest operating systems require a reboot for full functionality.
在最新的版本里,可以直接将windows下的目录和linux共享使用。不过先要装tool工具,然后在选项里设一下共享文件夹。这样在/mnt/hgfs下就能看到该共享文件夹的名字了。里面可以放任何类型的文件。如果看不到该共享文件夹,这时要到/etc/init.d里,执行vmware-tools restart。。。。。。我就是一开始就看不到,搞了半天。。。