
/etc/init.d/apache2 stop

cd /var/www

mv railsapp railsappOLD

svn co http://redmine.rubyforge.org/svn/branches/1.2-stable railsapp

cp ./railsappOLD/config/database.yml  ./railsapp/config/database.yml

cp ./railsappOLD/config/email.yml  ./railsapp/config/email.yml

cp -r ./railsappOLD/files ./railsapp/files

sudo chown -R root:www-data /var/www/railsapp

cd /var/www/railsapp

#9 (inside the /var/www/railsapp folder)
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data files log tmp

#10 (this command takes a little time - be patient)
gem install rails -v=2.3.11

gem install rack

gem install rack -v=1.1.1

#13 (inside the /var/www/railsapp folder)
rake generate_session_store

#14 (inside the /var/www/railsapp folder)
rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production

#15 (inside the /var/www/railsapp folder)
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data files log tmp public/plugin_assets

#16 (inside the /var/www/railsapp folder)
rake db:migrate:upgrade_plugin_migrations RAILS_ENV=production

#17 (inside the /var/www/railsapp folder)
rake db:migrate_plugins RAILS_ENV=production
sudo chmod -R 755 files log/ tmp/ public/plugin_assets
#19 (inside the /var/www/railsapp folder)
rake tmp:cache:clear

#20 (inside the /var/www/railsapp folder)
rake tmp:sessions:clear


/etc/init.d/apache2 start



