配置 eNSP 连接VMware虚拟机网络
配置 eNSP 连接VMware虚拟机网络选择"其他设备"并添加"Cloud"到eNSP视图, 右击"Cloud"设备在弹出菜单中选择"设置"增加一个端口: 端口类型为"GE", 绑定信息为 “UDP”:增加一个端口: 端口类型为"GE", 绑定信息为 “VMware VMnet1”;可根据需要选择不同的虚拟网络增加端口映射: 端口类型为"GE", 入端口&出端口编号分别选...
配置 eNSP 连接VMware虚拟机网络
选择"其他设备"并添加"Cloud"到eNSP视图, 右击"Cloud"设备在弹出菜单中选择"设置"
增加一个端口: 端口类型为"GE", 绑定信息为 “UDP”:
增加一个端口: 端口类型为"GE", 绑定信息为 “VMware VMnet1”;
增加端口映射: 端口类型为"GE", 入端口&出端口编号分别选择以上增加的端口编号"1" & “2”; 勾选"双向通道"复选框启用双向数据转发;
至此已完成eNSP连接虚拟网络配置, 添加网络设备与虚拟机之间通信!
[Huawei]vlan 100
[Huawei]int Vlanif 100
[Huawei-Vlanif100]ip address 24
[Huawei]int GigabitEthernet 0/0/1
[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port link-type trunk
[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port trunk pvid vlan 100
[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port trunk allow-pass vlan 100
[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] quit
[Huawei]dis ip int bri
*down: administratively down
^down: standby
(l): loopback
(s): spoofing
The number of interface that is UP in Physical is 3
The number of interface that is DOWN in Physical is 1
The number of interface that is UP in Protocol is 2
The number of interface that is DOWN in Protocol is 2
Interface IP Address/Mask Physical Protocol
MEth0/0/1 unassigned down down
NULL0 unassigned up up(s)
Vlanif1 unassigned up down
Vlanif100 up up
1> eNSP 依赖 WinPCAP 4.1.3; 新版 Wireshark 默认安装 npcap 作为 PCAP 驱动, 必须手动卸载 npcap 后自行安装 WinPCAP 4.1.3 才可以识别主机物理&虚拟网卡;
2> VMware 在更新重新安装后 Wireshark & WinPCAP 无法识别新虚拟网卡, 必须重新卸载 & 安装 WinPCAP 才可以识别虚拟网卡;