android opencv画轮廓,如何从OpenCV for Android中的每个轮廓中提取线条?
根据Miki的回答,这就是我所做的:> Canny> HoughLinesP(或LineSegmentDetector,如你所愿):检测线条> ConnectedComponents:在Canny图像中找到Canny“轮廓”.>具有3×3内核的膨胀(见下文)>对于每个Hough线:从线上取几个像素并查找最常用的值(忽略0).例如,我选择{p1,0.75 * p1 0.
> Canny
> HoughLinesP(或LineSegmentDetector,如你所愿):检测线条
> ConnectedComponents:在Canny图像中找到Canny“轮廓”.
例如,我选择{p1,0.75 * p1 0.25 * p2,0.5 * p1 0.5 * p2,0.25 * p1 0.75 * p2,p2},所以如果我的值是{1,2,0,2,2}那么line属于connectedComponent number 2.
所有这些功能都可以在Imgproc模块中找到,这仅适用于OpenCV 3.0并提供所需的结果.
// open image
File root = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
File file = new File(root, "image_test.png");
Mat mRGBA = Imgcodecs.imread(file.getAbsolutePath());
Imgproc.cvtColor(mRGBA, mRGBA, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2RGB);
Mat mGray = new Mat();
Imgproc.cvtColor(mRGBA, mGray, Imgproc.COLOR_RGBA2GRAY);
Imgproc.medianBlur(mGray, mGray, 7);
/* Main part */
Imgproc.Canny(mGray, mGray, 50, 60, 3, true);
Mat aretes = new Mat();
Imgproc.HoughLinesP(mGray, aretes, 1, 0.01745329251, 30, 10, 4);
* Tag Canny edges in the gray picture with indexes from 1 to 65535 (0 = background)
* (Make sure there are less than 255 components or convert mGray to 16U before)
int nb = Imgproc.connectedComponents(mGray,mGray,8,CvType.CV_16U);
Imgproc.dilate(mGray, mGray, Imgproc.getStructuringElement(Imgproc.MORPH_RECT, new Size(3,3)));
// for each Hough line
for (int x = 0; x < aretes.rows(); x++) {
double[] vec = aretes.get(x, 0);
double x1 = vec[0],
y1 = vec[1],
x2 = vec[2],
y2 = vec[3];
* Take 5 points from the line
* x----x----x----x----x
* P1 P2
double[] pixel_values = new double[5];
pixel_values[0] = mGray.get((int) y1, (int) x1)[0];
pixel_values[1] = mGray.get((int) (y1*0.75 + y2*0.25), (int) (x1*0.75 + x2*0.25))[0];
pixel_values[2] = mGray.get((int) ((y1 + y2) *0.5), (int) ((x1 + x2) *0.5))[0];
pixel_values[3] = mGray.get((int) (y1*0.25 + y2*0.75), (int) (x1*0.25 + x2*0.75))[0];
pixel_values[4] = mGray.get((int) y2, (int) x2)[0];
* Look for the most frequent value
* (To make it readable, the following code accepts the line only if there are at
* least 3 good pixels)
double value;
if (pixel_values[1] == pixel_values[3] || pixel_values[0] == pixel_values[2] || pixel_values[2] == pixel_values[4]) {
value = pixel_values[2];
else {
value = 0;
* Now value is the index of the connected component (or 0 if it's a bad line)
* You can store it in an other array, here I'll just draw the line with the value
if (value != 0) {
Imgproc.line(mRGBA,new Point(x1,y1),new Point(x2,y2),new Scalar((value * 41 + 50) % 255, (value * 69 + 100) % 255, (value * 91 + 60) % 255),3);
Imgproc.cvtColor(mRGBA, mRGBA, Imgproc.COLOR_RGB2BGR);
File file2 = new File(root, "image_test_OUT.png");
Imgcodecs.imwrite(file2.getAbsolutePath(), mRGBA);