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Software development is not only about what and how to code. One cannot be a great developer by just learning various coding languages or implementing complex designs. Knowing code will definitely help you to become a good developer, but not a great one.

软件开发不仅涉及什么以及如何编写代码。 仅仅学习各种编码语言或实现复杂的设计就不能成为一名出色的开发人员。 知道代码肯定会帮助您成为一名优秀的开发人员,但不是优秀的开发人员。

It’s much more than code. Here are six signs that differentiate great developers from good ones.

不仅仅是代码。 这是区分优秀开发商和优秀开发商的六个迹象。

1.对其未完成的代码或设计没有不安全感 (1. No Insecurity About Their Unfinished Code or Design)

Most developers are afraid to share their unfinished code or designs due to fear of judgment. They only want to show their masterpiece in public once it is complete. Great developers understand the risk involved in this. They understand how important it is to take feedback from others only in the early phases. It’s much easier to correct mistakes and incorporate suggestions while you are designing than once the product is complete. They understand the value of collaboration.

由于担心判断,大多数开发人员都害怕共享未完成的代码或设计。 他们只想在完成后在公共场合展示自己的杰作。 优秀的开发人员了解其中涉及的风险。 他们了解仅在早期阶段获得他人反馈的重要性。 与产品完成后相比,在设计过程中更正错误和纳入建议要容易得多。 他们了解协作的价值。

Think of it as an analogy to compilers. Do you wait to complete the entire implementation before running the compiler? Or do you run it after every function or small change made in the program? The second one, right? Because that helps you to catch the bugs early. Similarly, don’t be afraid to share your incomplete work. Think of it as an opportunity to gather feedback and improve the product further.

可以将其视为类似于编译器的类比。 在运行编译器之前,您是否等待完成整个实现? 还是在程序中的每项功能或小改动之后运行它? 第二个吧? 因为这样可以帮助您及早发现错误。 同样,不要害怕分享您的未完成的工作。 将其视为收集反馈并进一步改进产品的机会。

2.谦虚,尊重和信任 (2. Humility, Respect, and Trust)

I feel these are the most important signs of a great developer. They don’t treat themselves as the center of the universe. They respect their coworkers and their opinions. They trust that their coworkers are competent enough to make the right decision. One should be comfortable presenting their opinions or engaging in a healthy discussion with them. They don’t play the blame game when something goes wrong. In fact, they work to build the team’s culture around the pillars of humility, respect, and trust.

我觉得这些是优秀开发人员最重要的标志。 他们不把自己当作宇宙的中心。 他们尊重同事和意见。 他们相信自己的同事有足够的能力做出正确的决定。 人们应该乐于提出他们的意见或与他们进行健康的讨论。 当出现问题时,他们不会玩责备游戏。 实际上,他们致力于以谦卑,尊重和信任为基础来建立团队的文化。

“People are basically a giant pile of intermittent bugs. But before you can understand the bugs in your coworkers, you need to understand the bugs in yourself.” — Team Geek

人们基本上是一大堆间歇性错误。 但是,在您了解同事中的错误之前,您需要了解自己中的错误。” -极客队

3.知道如何处理批评 (3. Knows How to Handle Criticism)

We would all agree that criticism is part of a developer’s life. But how you deal with criticism is the key:

我们都同意批评是开发人员生活的一部分。 但是如何处理批评是关键:

  • Think about it and defend yourself without even considering the other person’s point.

  • Or take some time to process the other person’s point of view, take action items (if any), and move on.


Great developers prefer handling criticism the second way.


“Your self-worth shouldn’t be connected to the code you write.” — Team Geek

“您的自我价值不应与您编写的代码联系起来。” -极客队

You are not your code. When someone criticizes your code, they are not criticizing you. So, don’t take it personally. It’s part of the process of making a product better. In fact, consider yourself lucky if you are able to receive feedback on how to improve your work.

您不是您的代码。 当有人批评您的代码时,他们并不是在批评您。 因此,请勿将其视为个人。 这是使产品更好的过程的一部分。 实际上,如果您能够收到有关如何改进工作的反馈,请认为自己很幸运。

4.快速失败,学习和迭代 (4. Fail Fast, Learn, and Iterate)

Great developers know when to continue working and when to accept the failure and stop. Everyone makes mistakes and no one should be afraid to share the mistakes and learnings with coworkers. Instead of erasing the tracks, great developers prefer to document and share them with coworkers to light them up like a runway for others to follow.

优秀的开发人员知道何时继续工作以及何时接受失败并停止。 每个人都会犯错误,没有人应该害怕与同事分享错误和经验。 伟大的开发人员没有删除曲目,而是记录并与同事共享,以像跑道一样点亮它们,供其他人遵循。

Also, they are continuously learning from their and others’ mistakes. They love to share the same with others.

而且,他们不断地从自己和他人的错误中学习。 他们喜欢与他人分享。

“When you stop learning, you get bored.” — Team Geek

“当您停止学习时,就会感到无聊。” -极客队

5.保持强大的团队文化的重要性 (5. Importance of Maintaining a Strong Team Culture)

In my experience, I feel team culture plays a key role in your job satisfaction. Believe me, you can still feel unhappy in your team in spite of working on some cutting-edge technologies. A great developer understands the importance of strong team culture and spends effort in building the same.

根据我的经验,我认为团队文化对您的工作满意度至关重要。 相信我,尽管您正在研究某些尖端技术,但您仍然会感到不满意。 优秀的开发人员了解强大的团队文化的重要性,并花大力气建立团队文化。

They work to set processes to drive consensus in the team. Every team member should be working towards the common goal of making the product better accommodate the practices around coding and review standards as decided and documented collaboratively by the team.

他们努力制定流程以推动团队达成共识。 每个团队成员应朝着共同目标努力,使产品更好地适应团队共同决定和记录的编码和审查标准方面的实践。

As Brian W. Fitzpatrick and Ben Collins-Sussman wrote in Debugging Teams: Better Productivity Through Collaboration:

正如Brian W. Fitzpatrick和Ben Collins-Sussman在《 调试团队:通过协作提高生产力》中写道:

“If your starter culture is weak, the team is vulnerable to unknown culture strains that newcomers might bring along. Unknown cultures bring with them unpredictable results, so it’s better to start with a known starter culture.”

“如果您的入门者文化薄弱,那么团队很容易受到新手可能带来的未知文化压力的影响。 未知的文化会带来不可预测的结果,因此最好从已知的入门文化开始。”

Great developers know that if they don’t put effort into building and maintaining a strong culture, the team will eventually be overtaken by a strong personality who cultivates their culture in the team. This is the reason why companies have started evaluating cultural fitness during interviews.

优秀的开发人员知道,如果他们不付出努力来建立和维护强大的文化,团队最终将被强大的人格所取代, 他们会在团队中培养自己的文化。 这就是公司开始在面试中评估文化适应性的原因。

6.有效管理会议 (6. Managing Meetings Efficiently)

Meetings seem to be a distraction to many of us and we often try to avoid attending them. Great developers know which meetings to attend and which ones to avoid. Also, they tend to set practices in the team for efficient meetings, like sharing the agenda before the meeting, not inviting more than necessary members to a meeting, scheduling a meeting towards lunch or the end of the day to make sure everyone gets some continuous slot to work. As a developer, they know when and how to gently cut off a person who’s trying to hijack the meeting.

会议似乎使我们许多人分心,我们经常尝试避免参加会议。 优秀的开发人员知道哪些会议要参加,哪些会议要避免。 而且,他们倾向于在团队中建立有效的会议惯例,例如在会议之前共享议程,不邀请过多的必要成员参加会议,安排午餐前或一天结束时开会以确保每个人都能连续不断插槽上班。 作为开发人员,他们知道何时以及如何轻轻地切断试图劫持会议的人员。

Thanks for reading!





