苹果ios设备驱动_苹果声称iOS 12将加快旧设备的速度
苹果ios设备驱动Updates often slow down your iPhone, but Apple says this update will speed your phone up. iOS 12 will speed up everything from your app launches to your keyboard and camera.更新通常会使您的iPhone变慢..


Updates often slow down your iPhone, but Apple says this update will speed your phone up. iOS 12 will speed up everything from your app launches to your keyboard and camera.
更新通常会使您的iPhone变慢,但Apple表示此更新将加快您的手机的速度。 iOS 12将加快从应用程序启动到键盘和相机的所有操作。
The new iOS 12 operating system will support all the same devices that iOS 11 runs on, including devices that were released in 2013, like the iPhone 5s. In fact, Apple is focusing its efforts on older devices in particular, making sure they’re still good and speedy so they d on’t slow down over time. This is a big change from Apple reducing CPU performance on old iPhones without telling anyone last year.
新的iOS 12操作系统将支持运行iOS 11的所有相同设备,包括2013年发布的设备,例如iPhone 5s。 实际上,Apple尤其将精力集中在较旧的设备上,以确保它们仍然良好且快速,以确保它们不会随着时间的流逝而放慢速度。 这与苹果公司在去年没有通知任何人的情况下降低旧iPhone的CPU性能是一个很大的变化。
We don’t know all the details yet, but Apple promised up to 40% faster app launches, up to 50% faster keyboard display, and up to 70% faster camera performance.
Apple also promised to improve performance under load, when the iPhone or iPad is doing a lot of work. Specifically, Apple promised that the share sheet will appear and apps will launch up to twice as fast when the device is under load.
苹果还承诺在iPhone或iPad做大量工作时提高负载下的性能。 具体来说,苹果公司承诺将在设备加载时显示共享表,并且应用程序的启动速度将提高一倍。

Apple also said that CPU performance would be better, too. When your iPhone or iPad needs to do a demanding task, the CPU will ramp up to maximum performance mode more quickly to get that work done before lowering its performance to use less battery power to extend your battery life.
苹果还表示,CPU性能也会更好。 当您的iPhone或iPad需要执行苛刻的任务时,CPU将更快地升至最大性能模式以完成该工作,然后再降低其性能以使用较少的电池电量来延长电池寿命。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/apple-claims-ios-12-will-speed-up-old-devices/