

Printing documents is easy enough – fire up the appropriate app, load the file and hit Print. But when it comes to Android, you probably find that you email or copy files from your phone or tablet so you can print from your PC. Things are a great deal easier if you turn to Cloud Print.

打印文档非常容易–启动适当的应用程序,加载文件并点击“打印”。 但是当涉及到Android时,您可能会发现您通过手机或平板电脑通过电子邮件发送或复制文件,从而可以从PC进行打印。 如果您转向Cloud Print,事情会容易得多

Cloud Print is a service from Google which can be used in a couple of ways. If you have a compatible printer, you’ll find that it’s possible to print directly from your phone without the need to involve your PC.

Google的Cloud Print服务可以多种方式使用。 如果您有兼容的打印机 ,您会发现无需使用PC即可直接从手机进行打印。

However, you will probably not be working with a Cloud Print printer, but this does not mean that all is lost. There are a few things to keep in mind before you get started with this service using a regular printer.

但是,您可能不会使用Cloud Print打印机,但这并不意味着所有内容都将丢失。 在使用常规打印机开始使用此服务之前,需要牢记一些注意事项。

Firstly, you need to be using Google Chrome. Secondly, you need to have your printer and the PC it is connected to switched on when you want to print, and thirdly, you will need to have the Cloud Print app installed.

首先,您需要使用Google Chrome。 其次,您需要在要打印时打开打印机及其所连接的PC的电源,其次,还需要安装Cloud Print应用程序。

配置Chrome (Configure Chrome)

On your PC, fire up Chrome, click the menu button to the upper right of the program window and select Settings. Scroll down the page and click the ‘Show advanced settings’ link and then scroll down to locate the Google Cloud Print section. Click the ‘Add printers’ button.

在您的PC上,启动Chrome,点击程序窗口右上方的菜单按钮,然后选择设置。 向下滚动页面,然后单击“显示高级设置”链接,然后向下滚动以找到“ Google云打印”部分。 点击“添加打印机”按钮。

You’ll have to make sure that you’re signed into your Google account, and you can then click ‘Add printer(s)’. Any printers you have connected to your computer – both real and virtual – will be added to Chrome.

您必须确保已登录自己的Google帐户,然后才能单击“添加打印机”。 您已连接到计算机的所有打印机(包括真实打印机和虚拟打印机)都将添加到Chrome。

Once this has been done, check that your expected printer has been added by clicking the ‘Manage your printers’ link.


配置您的Droid (Configure Your Droid)

To print from your phone or tablet, you’ll need to install a free copy of Cloud Print from Google Play.

要通过手机或平板电脑进行打印,您需要安装Google Play的免费云打印副本。

Once installed, launch the app and select the Google account you have setup on your computer. You’ll then need to grant permission for the app to access your account.

安装完成后,启动应用程序,然后选择您在计算机上设置的Google帐户。 然后,您需要授予该应用访问您帐户的权限。

Tap the option that relates to the type of printer you want to add – in the majority of cases this will be Other Printers, and that’s what we’re going to work with – and you can then select one of the printers you have added from the list that is displayed.


Indicate whether you would like to use this as the default printer and print a test page to check that everything is working as it should. You can then add more printers if you want.

指示您是否要将其用作默认打印机并打印测试页以检查一切是否正常。 然后,您可以根据需要添加更多打印机。

从Android列印 (Print From Android)

Printing can be achieved in one of two ways. The first option is to launch Cloud Print on your phone or tablet, head to the Local section and then select the type of document you’d like to print. Now select an individual file, use the ‘Page setup’ option to configure basic settings and then tap ‘Click here to Print’.

可以通过以下两种方式之一进行打印。 第一种选择是在手机或平板电脑上启动“云打印”,转到“本地”部分,然后选择要打印的文档类型。 现在选择一个文件,使用“页面设置”选项配置基本设置,然后点击“单击此处打印”。

The other option is to open a file in whatever app is most appropriate and then make use of the Share option. From the menu that appears, all you need to do is select the Cloud Print option and the current file will be transferred to Cloud Print ready for printing.

另一个选择是在最合适的应用程序中打开文件,然后使用“共享”选项。 从出现的菜单中,您需要做的就是选择“云打印”选项,当前文件将被传输到“云打印”准备打印。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/140956/how-to-print-any-file-from-android-without-copying-to-your-pc/



