android oreo

android oreo

Google has done a lot in the more recent versions of Android to give users a way to customize notifications, but nothing even comes close to Oreo’s new Notification Channels. These new settings let you take notifications to a whole new level.

Google在Android的最新版本中做了很多工作,为用户提供了一种自定义通知的方法,但是甚至没有什么比Oreo的新通知频道更接近。 这些新设置使您可以将通知提升到一个全新的水平。

无论如何,什么是通知渠道? (What are Notification Channels, Anyway?)

In a nutshell, Notification Channels provide developers a way to group certain types of notifications together within their apps, and then let users set custom importance levels for those notification groups.


Each different group has four levels of notification “importance:”


  • Urgent: Makes a sound and pops on the screen.


  • High: Makes a sound and places a notification in the bar.


  • Medium: No sound, but a notification is still placed in the bar.


  • Low: No sound or visual interruption—a silent notification.


Beyond the importance level, you can also toggle things like Notification Dots, choose whether or not to blink the light, dictate how much content from the specific notification type is shown on the lock screen, and allow the notifications to override Do Not Disturb mode.


The notification groups are decided by the developer, and this is something that must be coded into the app for Oreo—if the app doesn’t support it, then there’s no way to force it. Naturally, Google has updated the majority of its apps to work with Notification Channels.

通知组由开发人员决定,这对于Oreo必须在应用程序中进行编码-如果应用程序不支持,则无法强制执行。 自然,Google已更新了大多数应用程序以与通知频道一起使用。

For example, Google Allo has six different notification groups that can be customized. Google Calendar, by contrast, only has one. This makes sense, as Allo is a chat-based client that generates a lot more notifications of varying types, where Calendar really only has one main notification.

例如, Google Allo具有六个可以自定义的通知组。 相比之下, Google日历只有一个。 这是有道理的,因为Allo是一个基于聊天的客户端,它会生成更多不同类型的通知,而Calendar实际上只有一个主要通知。

Notification Channels are also dynamic, so new channels are automatically created as needed when the app supports it. For example, Android System creates a new channel for every app that displays over other apps, so that you can control each one individually. This is also why disabling the “is displaying over other apps” feature can be a pain to get rid of.

通知频道也是动态的,因此当应用程序支持它时,会根据需要自动创建新频道。 例如,Android系统会为每个应用创建一个新渠道,以在其他应用上显示,这样您就可以分别控制每个渠道。 这也是为什么禁用“正在其他应用程序上显示”功能可能会很痛苦的原因

By tweaking these notification settings, you can easily control what happens when that type of notification comes in. Let’s use the Android Screenshot notification as an example here. This is, at least in my opinion, the most useless of all Android notifications because you pretty much know when you’ve taken a screenshot. I don’t want the notification cluttering up my status bar, and I hate having to swipe it away when taking screenshots in succession.

通过调整这些通知设置,您可以轻松控制当这种类型的通知传入时发生的情况。这里以Android屏幕快照通知为例。 至少在我看来,这是所有Android通知中最没用的,因为您几乎知道何时拍摄了屏幕截图。 我不希望通知混乱到我的状态栏,并且我讨厌在连续拍摄屏幕截图时不得不将其清除。

With Oreo’s new tools, I can tell the System UI that this type of notification is of the lowest importance. That means it won’t make a sound or display a visual interruption. Instead, it simply generates a silent notification that I can dismiss at a later point. I love it.

借助Oreo的新工具,我可以告诉系统UI这种通知的重要性最低。 这意味着它不会发出声音或显示视觉中断。 相反,它只是生成一个静默通知,以后可以将其关闭。 我喜欢它。

如何使用通知渠道 (How to Use Notification Channels)

With that little explanation out of the way, let’s talk about how you can access these options for yourself.


As noted above, these new options won’t be available for every app right out of the box, so if you’re trying to follow along with a different app than I’m using in my example and don’t see half of what I’m talking about, then the app probably isn’t supported. If available, you’ll know pretty much immediately—here’s a comparison of an app that supports notification channels (Messages, on the left), and one that doesn’t (Facebook Messenger, on the right). As you can see, there isn’t a Categories option display in Facebook Messenger, indicating the app hasn’t yet been updated to support the function.

如上所述,这些新选项并非开箱即用,并非适用于每个应用程序,因此,如果您尝试使用的示例与我在示例中使用的应用程序不同,则看不到一半我说的是,可能不支持该应用程序。 如果有的话,您会立即了解很多-这是一个支持通知渠道的应用程序的比较(左边的消息),和不支持通知渠道的应用程序(右边的Facebook Messenger)。 如您所见,Facebook Messenger中没有显示“类别”选项,表明该应用尚未更新以支持该功能。

Since it has so many options to pick from, let’s use Google Allo as the guinea pig here. To access all of its notification settings, give the notification bar a tug, and then tap the gear icon to jump into the Settings menu.

由于它有很多选择,让我们在这里使用Google Allo作为豚鼠。 要访问其所有通知设置,请​​向通知栏拖动,然后点击齿轮图标以跳到“设置”菜单。

Select the “Apps & Notifications” setting, and then select the “App Info” entry.


Find your app and tap on it. You’ll be presented with a slew of options in this menu, but tap the first one: “App notifications.”

找到您的应用程序,然后点击它。 在此菜单中,您会看到很多选项,但是请轻按第一个:“应用通知”。

You’ll find all of the channel options under the “Categories” section. You can customize (or toggle) each entry here individually. This example shows a variety of options, including Chat Suggestions, Contact Update, Messages, and more. There’s also an option for Uncategorized notifications, which is the default action for any notification that doesn’t fall into the other categories.

您可以在“类别”部分下找到所有频道选项。 您可以在此处单独自定义(或切换)每个条目。 此示例显示了各种选项,包括“聊天建议”,“联系人更新”,“消息”等等。 对于未分类的通知,还有一个选项,这是不属于其他类别的任何通知的默认操作。

To customize a notification category, just tap its entry. The first option in the “Notification Category” menu lets you dictate the importance level that we talked about earlier. You can also set the default sound here, as well as toggle vibration.

要自定义通知类别,只需点击其条目。 “通知类别”菜单中的第一个选项使您可以决定我们之前提到的重要性级别。 您还可以在此处设置默认声音以及切换振动。

The “Advanced” section covers all the extra stuff, like notification dots and light control. If there are more settings available in the app, you’ll find a note at the bottom of of the menu that says as much.

“高级”部分涵盖了所有其他内容,例如通知点和灯光控制。 如果应用程序中还有更多可用设置,您会在菜单底部找到一条注释,说明内容。

如何自定义特定通知 (How to Customize a Specific Notification)

You don’t have to dig into the “Settings” menu to customize an app’s notifications, though. Instead, you can customize each type of notification after one is generated.

不过,您无需深入研究“设置”菜单即可自定义应用程序的通知。 而是可以在生成通知后自定义每种类型的通知。

Let’s use the screenshot tool as an example here. After you’ve taken a screenshot and the notification is generated, pull the notification shade down, and then slide the notification to the right slightly to expose its options. Make sure not to slide too quickly, or you’ll just dismiss the notification instead.

让我们以屏幕截图工具为例。 截取屏幕快照并生成通知后,请拉下通知阴影,然后将通知稍微向右滑动以显示其选项。 请确保不要滑动得太快,否则您将忽略该通知。

Tap the gear icon to show which app generated the notification, as well as how many other categories the app has. Tap the “All Categories” option.

点击齿轮图标可显示哪个应用程序生成了通知,以及该应用程序有多少其他类别。 点击“所有类别”选项。

This throws you directly into the app’s notification options in the Settings menu. If you watch closely, the system even shows you which option to tap by briefly highlighting it in gray, just as if you were tapping it yourself.

这会将您直接带入“设置”菜单中应用程序的通知选项。 如果您仔细观察,系统甚至会以灰色突出显示它来显示要轻按的选项,就像您自己轻按一样。

Go ahead and tap that option, and then customize the notification as needed. Personally, I set the Screenshots importance level to low. No sound, no visual interruption. But again, that’s just one example.

继续并点击该选项,然后根据需要自定义通知。 我个人将“屏幕截图”的重要性级别设置为低。 没有声音,没有视觉干扰。 但是,这只是一个例子。

If I said Notification Channels are a straightforward and user-friendly feature, I’d be lying. There’s no question that this is a tool for power users, and one that will likely just confuse less tech-savvy Android owners. Fortunately, it’s also pretty well hidden, so most users who don’t need to know about this feature likely won’t stumble across it accidentally.

如果我说通知频道是一个简单易用的功能,那我会说谎。 毫无疑问,这是面向高级用户的工具,并且可能会使那些不太懂技术的Android用户感到困惑。 幸运的是,它也隐藏得很好,因此大多数不需要了解此功能的用户可能不会偶然发现它。


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