android5.0 截屏,ScreenRecord库用于在android 5.0以上的设备进行截屏
ScreenRecordLibraryIntroScreenRecord library is used to capture screen for devices with android 5.0 and above. It used the latest Media Projection API exposed by android since API level 21.DemoIf you
ScreenRecord library is used to capture screen for devices with android 5.0 and above. It used the latest Media Projection API exposed by android since API level 21.
If you want to use this library in your code, you can download the project, and refer to app module in the code.
If you just want to use this Screen Record Tool, you can download it from google play or 应用宝
This library is uploaded to sonatype, you can use it following these steps:
1. add sonatype repository in your build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url ''
need to compile this library
compile 'com.github.charlesjean:recordlibrary:0.0.2'
after you acquire media projection permission from user, you need to start screen record service with the following code
Intent intent = new Intent(this, RecordService.class);
int width = ParameterManager.getInstance(this).getVideoWidth();
int height = ParameterManager.getInstance(this).getVideoHeight();
boolean needAudio = ParameterManager.getInstance(this).needAudio();
boolean isLandScapeMode = ParameterManager.getInstance(this).isLandScapeModeOn();
int quality = ParameterManager.getInstance(this).getVideoQuality();
intent.putExtra(RecordConst.RECORD_INTENT_RESULT, resultCode);
intent.putExtra(RecordConst.RECORD_DATA_INTENT, data);
intent.putExtra(RecordConst.KEY_RECORD_SCREEN_WITH, width);
intent.putExtra(RecordConst.KEY_RECORD_SCREEN_HEIGHT, height);
intent.putExtra(RecordConst.KEY_RECORD_NEED_AUDIO, needAudio);
intent.putExtra(RecordConst.KEY_RECORD_IS_LANDSCAPE, isLandScapeMode);
intent.putExtra(RecordConst.KEY_VIDEO_QUALITY, quality);
intent.putExtra(RecordConst.KEY_VIDEO_DIR, getResources().getString(R.string.save_dir));
intent.putExtra(RecordConst.KEY_NOTIFICATION_ICON, R.drawable.ic_launcher);
For more detail, you can refer to the demo project.
This library is under Apache License, Version 2.0, not including the demo project.