

There’s no need to break out a computer for a quick edit on a video you just shot—with the proper tools, you can do a lot right from your phone. Here are the best video editors for Android.

无需拆开计算机即可对刚拍摄的视频进行快速编辑-使用适当的工具,您可以通过手机直接进行很多操作。 这是适用于Android的最佳视频编辑器。

最全功能的编辑器:KineMaster(免费,订阅) (The Most Full Featured Editor: KineMaster (Free, Subscription))

Look, you’re never going to be able to replace a full video editor on your computer with one on your phone, but KineMaster makes a good case for it.


With KineMaster, you can lay down multiple layers and add effects, trim clips on a frame-by-frame basis, tweak lighting, add audio, and a lot more. It really is the most desktop-like video editor on Android.

使用KineMaster,您可以放下多层并添加效果,逐帧修剪剪辑,调整照明,添加音频等等。 它确实是Android上最类似于桌面的视频编辑器。

Of course, this type of power and versatility doesn’t come for free. While you can use the app in trial mode indefinitely, if you really want the most power it has to offer, you’ll need to pony up the money for a subscription—$4.99 monthly or $39.99 yearly.

当然,这种功能和多功能性并非免费提供。 虽然您可以无限期地在试用模式下使用该应用程序,但如果您确实想要它所提供的最大功能,则需要花一点钱以进行订阅-每月4.99美元或每年39.99美元。

Of course, you don’t have to jump straight into that right out of the gate—give it a go and see if it fits your needs. If it does, the subscription offer might be worth it to you. If not, well…you can always check out the other apps on our list.

当然,您不必直接跳出大门,只要去看看它是否符合您的需求即可。 如果是这样,那么订阅优惠可能对您来说值得。 如果没有,那么…您可以随时查看我们列表中的其他应用程序。

最佳中级编辑器:《威力导演》(免费,订阅) (The Best Mid-Level Editor: PowerDirector (Free, Subscription))

Calling this a “mid-level” editor probably undersells how powerful it really is (despite the fact that it’s still a fitting title). While PowerDirector isn’t quite as powerful as KineMaster, I personally find it a little bit easier to use as a resuls. If I were going to pick just one editor on this list to call my “favorite pick,” it would be this one.

将其称为“中级”编辑器可能会低估它的真正功能(尽管它仍然是合适的标题)。 虽然导演没有那样强大KineMaster 相当 ,我个人觉得这是一个有点容易为resuls使用。 如果我只想在此列表中选择一个编辑器来称呼我的“最喜欢的选择”,那就是这个。

If you’ve ever used PowerDirector on your computer, then you basically know what to expect here—it works very similarly to its bigger brother, just on a more basic scale. You can crop and stitch video, add audio, add slow motion effects, and a lot more—all in a very intuitive drag-and-drop interface.

如果您曾经在计算机上使用过《威力导演》,那么您基本上会在这里知道期望什么—它的工作原理与它的大哥哥非常相似,只是在更基本的范围内。 您可以在非常直观的拖放界面中裁剪和缝合视频,添加音频,添加慢动作效果等等。

Like KineMaster, however, all this power doesn’t come for free. You’ll pay $4.99 for a month’s worth of full-featured access, $9.99 for three months, or $34.99 for an entire year. So, it is a little bit cheaper than KineMaster.

但是,像KineMaster一样,所有这些功能并非免费提供。 您需要为一个月的全功能访问支付4.99美元,为三个月支付9.99美元,或全年支付34.99美元。 因此,它比KineMaster便宜一些。

最佳免费选项:Adobe Premier Clip(免费) (The Best Free Option: Adobe Premier Clip (Free))

If you’re just looking for a simple tool that will let you clip your videos, add audio, and edit filters all without having to provide any sort of financial compensation, we have good news: Adobe Premier Clip fits this criteria.

如果您只是在寻找一种简单的工具即可剪辑视频,添加音频并编辑过滤器而无需提供任何经济补偿,那么我们有个好消息: Adobe Premier Clip符合此条件。

Because it’s a freebie, however, it’s also the simplest of all the apps on the list—it does all of the aforementioned stuff, but you can also add watermarks, a video bumper, and fading. And that’s really about it.

但是,由于它是免费的,因此它也是列表中所有应用程序中最简单的-它可以完成上述所有操作,但是您也可以添加水印,视频缓冲和淡入淡出。 就是这样。

Still, for the price, you can beat it. It also syncs clips to your Adobe count, which is cool if you use other Adobe products.

不过,就价格而言,您可以击败它。 它还会将剪辑同步到您的Adobe计数,如果您使用其他Adobe产品,这会很酷。

I also want to point out that you can do simple edits, trim video, and even rotate clips with Google Photos, so if that’s all you’re after, that should do the trick. Plus, it’s free and you likely already have it installed. For anything more, though, check out the tools on this list.

我还想指出的是,您可以使用Google相册进行简单的编辑, 修剪视频甚至旋转剪辑,因此,如果您只想这样做,就可以解决问题。 另外,它是免费的,您可能已经安装了它。 不过,有关其他内容,请查看此列表中的工具。




