算法流程如下:import random# 求最大公约数def gcd(a, b):if a < b:return gcd(b, a)elif a % b == 0:return belse:return gcd(b, a % b)# 快速幂+取模def power(a, b, c):ans = 1while b != 0:if b & 1:
# ============================================================================
# Copyright (c) 2021 Zhou Jin, Shandong University. All rights reserved.
# Elgamal.py - The core part of this algorithm
# Last edited time: 2021/10/25 16:45
# If you have any question, email elford@foxmail.com
# ============================================================================
import random
# Find the greatest common divisor
def gcd(a, b):
if a < b:
return gcd(b, a)
elif a % b == 0:
return b
return gcd(b, a % b)
# Quick power & modulo
def power(a, b, c):
ans = 1
while b != 0:
if b & 1:
ans = (ans * a) % c
b >>= 1
a = (a * a) % c
return ans
# Lucas-lemmer sex test
def Lucas_Lehmer(num) -> bool: # Quickly check whether POw (2,m)-1 is prime
if num == 2:
return True
if num % 2 == 0:
return False
s = 4
Mersenne = pow(2, num) - 1 # Pow (2, num)-1 is a Mersenne number
for x in range(1, (num - 2) + 1): # Num-2 is the number of cycles, and +1 means the right interval is open
s = ((s * s) - 2) % Mersenne
if s == 0:
return True
return False
# Detection of large prime numbers
def Miller_Rabin(n):
a = random.randint(2,n-2) # Randomly find 'a' which is belong to [2,n-2]
s = 0 # S is the power of factor 2 in d
d = n - 1
while (d & 1) == 0: # Let's factor out all the 2's in d.
s += 1
d >>= 1
x = power(a, d, n)
for i in range(s): # Perform s secondary probes
newX = power(x, 2, n)
if newX == 1 and x != 1 and x != n - 1:
return False # Using the inverse of the quadratic theorem, n is determined to be composite.
x = newX
if x != 1: # If x=a^(n-1) (mod n), then n is determined to be composite.
return False
return True # Judge by the converse of Fermat's little theorem. The number that survives this test
# is most likely prime.
# Extended Euclidean algorithm, ab=1 (mod m), yields the multiplicative inverse b of A under module m
def Extended_Eulid(a: int, m: int) -> int:
def extended_eulid(a: int, m: int):
if a == 0: # boundary condition
return 1, 0, m
x, y, gcd = extended_eulid(m % a, a) # recursion
x, y = y, (x - (m // a) * y) # Recursively, the left end is the upper layer
return x, y, gcd # Returns the result of the first level calculation.
# The final return y value is the multiplication inverse of b in mode a
# If y is complex, y plus a is the corresponding positive inverse
n = extended_eulid(a, m)
if n[1] < 0:
return n[1] + m
return n[1]
# Generate the field parameter p, approximately 512bits in length
def Generate_p() -> int:
a = random.randint(10**150, 10**160)
while gcd(a, 2) != 1:
a = random.randint(10**150, 10**160)
return a
# Generate the field parameter alpha
def Generate_alpha(p: int) -> int:
return random.randint(2, p)
# Generate a prime number less than p, approximately 512bits long, as the private key
def Generate_private_key(p: int) -> int:
pri = random.randint(2, p - 2)
while gcd(pri, p) != 1:
pri = random.randint(2, p - 2)
return pri
# Bob or Alice uses the field parameter P and the resulting mask to encrypt the message
def encrypt(message, p, Key_mask) -> int:
ciphertext = (message * Key_mask) % p
return ciphertext
# Bob or Alice decrypts the ciphertext using the field parameter P and the masks obtained by them
def decrypt(ciphertext, p, Key_mask):
# Inverse mask
inverse_element = Extended_Eulid(Key_mask, p)
# Decode
plaintext = (ciphertext * inverse_element) % p
return plaintext
def quick_power(a: int, b: int) -> int:
ans = 1
while b != 0:
if b & 1:
ans = ans * a
b >>= 1
a = a * a
return ans
def Generate_prime(key_size: int) -> int:
while True:
num = random.randrange(quick_power(2, key_size - 1), quick_power(2, key_size))
if Miller_Rabin(num):
return num
if __name__ == '__main__':
message = int(input("Message: "))
if type(message) != int:
raise ValueError("Must be an integer!")
p = Generate_prime(512)
alpha = Generate_alpha(p)
# Alice selects her own private key, calculates her own public key, and passes the public key to Bob
Private_Alice = Generate_private_key(p)
Public_Alice = power(alpha, Private_Alice, p)
# Bob selects his private key, calculates his public key, and places the public key on the network
Private_Bob = Generate_private_key(p)
Public_Bob = power(alpha, Private_Bob, p)
# Bob and Alice calculate the mask key separately, and the results should be the same
Key_mask_Alice = power(Public_Alice, Private_Bob, p)
Key_mask_Bob = power(Public_Bob, Private_Alice, p)
# Bob encrypts the message
ciphertext = encrypt(message, p, Key_mask_Bob)
# Alice decrypts the message
plaintext = decrypt(ciphertext, p, Key_mask_Alice)
print("Domain parameters: ")
print("p: ", p)
print("alpha: ", alpha)
print("Private Keys: ")
print("Alice: ", Private_Alice)
print("Bob: ", Private_Bob)
print("Public keys: ")
print("Alice: ", Public_Alice)
print("Bob: ", Public_Bob)
print("Masked key: ", Key_mask_Bob)
print("Ciphertext: ", ciphertext)
print("Plaintext: ", plaintext)