



3.1 指标异常监控方法

3.2 梳理核心监控指标并进行异常监控


4.1 Adtributor根因分析原理介绍

4.2 Adtributor根因分析python代码示例

4.3 Adtributor根因分析hive实现核心代码


5.1 整体指标波动情况

5.2 归因分析结论







3.1 指标异常监控方法












3.2 梳理核心监控指标并进行异常监控





4.1 Adtributor根因分析原理介绍

a.首先计算各个维度下,各个值的 预测值占整体预测值的比例 , 各个值的 实际值占整体预测值的比例, 利用js散度计算预测分布和实际分布的差异,js值越大,差异程度越大,js散度的计算公式如下:


4.2 Adtributor根因分析python代码示例


############ 1、数据读取 ############
# 整体日活
data = pd.read_excel('./dau.xlsx', sheet_name = '日活')
dau_app = data[data['渠道'] == 'App']

# 按城市日活
data_city = pd.read_excel('./dau.xlsx', sheet_name = '日活按城市拆分')
dau_city_app = data_city[data_city['渠道'] == 'App']

# 按机型日活
data_manu = pd.read_excel('./dau.xlsx', sheet_name = '日活按机型拆分')
dau_manu_app = data_manu[data_manu['渠道'] == 'App']

############ 2、数据预处理 ############
# 添加星期
dau_app = dau_app.sort_values(by = ['date'])  # 按照日期进行排序
dau_app['weekday'] = dau_app['date'].apply(lambda x: x.weekday() + 1)  # 添加星期

dau_manu_app = dau_manu_app.sort_values(by = ['date'])  # 按照日期进行排序
dau_manu_app['weekday'] = dau_manu_app['date'].apply(lambda x: x.weekday() + 1)  # 添加星期

dau_city_app = dau_city_app.sort_values(by = ['date'])  # 按照日期进行排序
dau_city_app['weekday'] = dau_city_app['date'].apply(lambda x: x.weekday() + 1)  # 添加星期

############ 3、获取历史数据的均值、标准差信息 ############
# 定义函数:获取整体日活历史5周日活的均值、标准差信息
def get_his_week_dau_ms( currdate, xdaysbefcurr, currweek, dau_app):
    thred = {}  # 这里注意dict的赋值方式
    dau_app_bef_35d = dau_app[(dau_app['date'] >= xdaysbefcurr) & (dau_app['date'] < currdate) & (dau_app['weekday'] == currweek)]
    thred['deta'] = dau_app_bef_35d
    thred['mean'] = dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].mean()
    thred['std'] = dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].std()
    thred['std_1_lower'] = dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].mean() - dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].std()
    thred['std_1_upper'] = dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].mean() + dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].std()
    thred['std_2_lower'] = dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].mean() - 2 * dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].std()
    thred['std_2_upper'] = dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].mean() + 2 * dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].std()
    thred['std_3_lower'] = dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].mean() - 3 * dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].std()
    thred['std_3_upper'] = dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].mean() + 3 * dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].std()
    return thred

# 定义函数:获取按城市日活历史5周日活的均值、标准差信息
def get_his_week_city_dau_ms( currdate, xdaysbefcurr, currweek, city, dau_app):
    thred = {}  # 这里注意dict的赋值方式
    # 获取当前版本历史周对应的信息
    dau_app_bef_35d = dau_app[(dau_app['date'] >= xdaysbefcurr) & (dau_app['date'] < currdate) & (dau_app['weekday'] == currweek) & (dau_app['$city'] == city)]
    thred['deta'] = dau_app_bef_35d
    thred['mean'] = dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].mean()
    thred['std'] = dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].std()
    thred['std_1_lower'] = dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].mean() - dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].std()
    thred['std_1_upper'] = dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].mean() + dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].std()
    thred['std_2_lower'] = dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].mean() - 2 * dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].std()
    thred['std_2_upper'] = dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].mean() + 2 * dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].std()
    thred['std_3_lower'] = dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].mean() - 3 * dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].std()
    thred['std_3_upper'] = dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].mean() + 3 * dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].std()
    return thred

# 定义函数:获取按机型日活历史5周日活的均值、标准差信息
def get_his_week_manu_dau_ms( currdate, xdaysbefcurr, currweek, manu, dau_app):
    thred = {}  # 这里注意dict的赋值方式
    # 获取当前版本历史周对应的信息
    dau_app_bef_35d = dau_app[(dau_app['date'] >= xdaysbefcurr) & (dau_app['date'] < currdate) & (dau_app['weekday'] == currweek) & (dau_app['$manufacturer'] == manu)]
    thred['deta'] = dau_app_bef_35d
    thred['mean'] = dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].mean()
    thred['std'] = dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].std()
    thred['std_1_lower'] = dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].mean() - dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].std()
    thred['std_1_upper'] = dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].mean() + dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].std()
    thred['std_2_lower'] = dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].mean() - 2 * dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].std()
    thred['std_2_upper'] = dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].mean() + 2 * dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].std()
    thred['std_3_lower'] = dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].mean() - 3 * dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].std()
    thred['std_3_upper'] = dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].mean() + 3 * dau_app_bef_35d['user_num1'].std()
    return thred

# 添加整体日活的波动信息
for index, row in dau_app.iterrows():
#     print(row)
    currdate = row['date']
    xdaysbefcurr = row['date'] - datetime.timedelta(days = 35)
    currweek = row['weekday']
#     print('--', currdate, xdaysbefcurr, currweek)
    tmp = get_his_week_dau_ms(currdate, xdaysbefcurr, currweek,  dau_app)
    dau_app.at[index, 'his_mean'] = tmp['mean']
    dau_app.at[index, 'his_std'] = tmp['std']
    dau_app.at[index, 'std_1_lower'] = tmp['std_1_lower']
    dau_app.at[index, 'std_1_upper'] = tmp['std_1_upper']
    dau_app.at[index, 'std_2_lower'] = tmp['std_2_lower']
    dau_app.at[index, 'std_2_upper'] = tmp['std_2_upper']
    dau_app.at[index, 'std_3_lower'] = tmp['std_3_lower']
    dau_app.at[index, 'std_3_upper'] = tmp['std_3_upper']

# 添加按城市日活的历史波动信息
for index, row in dau_city_app.iterrows():
    currdate = row['date']
    xdaysbefcurr = row['date'] - datetime.timedelta(days = 35)
    currweek = row['weekday']
    city = row['$city']
#     print('--', currdate, xdaysbefcurr, currweek)
    tmp = get_his_week_city_dau_ms(currdate, xdaysbefcurr, currweek, city, dau_city_app)

    dau_city_app.at[index, 'his_mean'] = tmp['mean']
    dau_city_app.at[index, 'his_std'] = tmp['std']
    dau_city_app.at[index, 'std_1_lower'] = tmp['std_1_lower']
    dau_city_app.at[index, 'std_1_upper'] = tmp['std_1_upper']
    dau_city_app.at[index, 'std_2_lower'] = tmp['std_2_lower']
    dau_city_app.at[index, 'std_2_upper'] = tmp['std_2_upper']
    dau_city_app.at[index, 'std_3_lower'] = tmp['std_3_lower']
    dau_city_app.at[index, 'std_3_upper'] = tmp['std_3_upper']

# 添加按机型日活的历史波动信息
for index, row in dau_manu_app.iterrows():
    currdate = row['date']
    xdaysbefcurr = row['date'] - datetime.timedelta(days = 35)
    currweek = row['weekday']
    manu = row['$manufacturer']
#     print('--', currdate, xdaysbefcurr, currweek)
    tmp = get_his_week_manu_dau_ms(currdate, xdaysbefcurr, currweek, manu, dau_manu_app)
    dau_manu_app.at[index, 'his_mean'] = tmp['mean']
    dau_manu_app.at[index, 'his_std'] = tmp['std']
    dau_manu_app.at[index, 'std_1_lower'] = tmp['std_1_lower']
    dau_manu_app.at[index, 'std_1_upper'] = tmp['std_1_upper']
    dau_manu_app.at[index, 'std_2_lower'] = tmp['std_2_lower']
    dau_manu_app.at[index, 'std_2_upper'] = tmp['std_2_upper']
    dau_manu_app.at[index, 'std_3_lower'] = tmp['std_3_lower']
    dau_manu_app.at[index, 'std_3_upper'] = tmp['std_3_upper']

############ 4、判断是否异常 ############
def get_if_abnormal(x):
#     print(x)
    flag = 0 # 默认为0,即为正常波动
    # 如果 历史均值 his_mean 不为nan ,且 当前日活在 2倍标准差之外,则为异常波动
    if pd.isna(x['his_mean']):
        return flag
    elif x['user_num1'] > x['std_2_upper'] or  x['user_num1'] < x['std_2_lower']:
        flag = 1
    return flag
dau_app['is_abnormal'] = dau_app.apply(lambda x: get_if_abnormal(x), axis = 1)
dau_app[dau_app['is_abnormal'] == 1] # 查看被标记为异常的数据

############ 5、Adtributor根因分析 ############
##### 5.1 定义函数:首先计算js散度所需要的两个值,预测值占比和实际值占比
def get_js_detail_info(row_dim, row_all):
    js_detail = {}
    # 计算该水平下实际值占整体值的比例
    if pd.isna(row_dim.user_num1) or pd.isna(row_all.user_num1):
        real_pct = None
        real_pct = row_dim.user_num1/row_all.user_num1
    # 计算该水平下预测值占整体预测值的比例
    if pd.isna(row_dim.his_mean) or pd.isna(row_all.his_mean):
        pred_pct = None
        pred_pct = row_dim.his_mean/row_all.his_mean
    # 计算该水平实际值-预测值 占 整体实际值-预测值的 比例 
    if pd.isna(row_dim.his_mean) or pd.isna(row_all.his_mean) or pd.isna(row_dim.user_num1) or pd.isna(row_all.user_num1):
        diff_pct = None
        diff_pct = (row_dim.user_num1 - row_dim.his_mean)/(row_all.user_num1 - row_all.his_mean)
    js_detail['real_pct'] = real_pct
    js_detail['pred_pct'] = pred_pct
    js_detail['diff_pct'] = diff_pct
    return js_detail

# 按城市日活添加 实际占比 和 预测占比
for index, row in dau_city_app_copy.iterrows():
    row_all = dau_app[dau_app['date'] == row.date]
    row_all = pd.Series(row_all.values[0], index = row_all.columns)  # dataframe类型转为series类型

    js_detail = get_js_detail_info(row, row_all)
    print('js_detail', js_detail)
    dau_city_app_copy.at[index, 'real_pct'] = js_detail['real_pct']
    dau_city_app_copy.at[index, 'pred_pct'] = js_detail['pred_pct']
    dau_city_app_copy.at[index, 'diff_pct'] = js_detail['diff_pct']

# 按机型日活添加 实际占比和预测占比
for index, row in dau_manu_app_copy.iterrows():
    row_all = dau_app[dau_app['date'] == row.date]
    row_all = pd.Series(row_all.values[0], index = row_all.columns)  # dataframe类型转为series类型
    js_detail = get_js_detail_info(row, row_all)
    print('js_detail', js_detail)
    dau_manu_app_copy.at[index, 'real_pct'] = js_detail['real_pct']
    dau_manu_app_copy.at[index, 'pred_pct'] = js_detail['pred_pct']
    dau_manu_app_copy.at[index, 'diff_pct'] = js_detail['diff_pct']

##### 5.2 定义函数计算js散度
def get_js_divergence(p, q):
    p = np.array(p)
    q = np.array(q)
    M = (p + q)/2
    js1 = 0.5 * np.sum(p * np.log(p/M))+ 0.5 *np.sum(q* np.log(q/M))  # 自己计算
    js2 = 0.5 * stats.entropy(p, M) + 0.5 * stats.entropy(q, M)    # scipy包中方法
    print('js1', js1)
    print('js2', js2)
    return round(float(js2),4)

##### 5.3 以4月24日日活波动异常为例从城市和机型维度进行归因
tmp = dau_city_app_copy[dau_city_app_copy['date'] == '2022-04-24'].dropna()
get_js_divergence(tmp['real_pct'], tmp['pred_pct'])
# js1: 0.014734253529123373  js2:  0.013824971768932472

tmp2 = dau_manu_app_copy[dau_manu_app_copy['date'] == '2022-04-24'].dropna()
get_js_divergence(tmp2['real_pct'], tmp2['pred_pct'])
# js1: 6.915922987763717e-05  js2:  6.9049339769412e-05 (约0.00010)
# 由此得出城市维度是异常波动的原因,查看当天城市维度的明细数据
tmp.sort_values(by = 'diff_pct', ascending = False,)


4.3 Adtributor根因分析hive实现核心代码


-- 1.各地区每日指标
drop table db.area_cnt;
create table db.area_cntstored as parquet as  
select area_name area_name
, count(1) cnt --单量
, count(distinct user_id) user_num -- 用户数
, inc_day
from db.area_dtl t
where inc_day >= replace(date_sub('${lastday}', 15), '-', '')
and  inc_day <= replace('${lastday}', '-', '')
group by area_name
, inc_day;

-- 2.保存按地区汇总数据
insert overwrite table db.area_cnt_di partition(inc_day)
select area_name, cnt, user_num, inc_day 
from db.area_cnt
union all 
select '整体' area_name, sum(cnt) cnt, sum(user_num ) user_num , inc_day  
from db.area_cnt
group by inc_day;

-- 3.计算各地区前7天数据
drop table if exists db.area_cnt_di_01 ;
create table db.area_cnt_di_01 stored as parquet as  
select t.inc_day
, t.area_name
, t.cnt
, t1.cnt cnt_b7 -- 前7天
, t.cnt - t1.cnt  cnt_b7_diff
from  (
    select t0.*
    , date_sub(inc_day, 7) inc_day_new_b7  -- 上周数据
    from db.area_cnt_di t0
    where inc_day >= date_sub('${lastday}', 15)
    and  inc_day <= '${lastday}'
) t
left join db.area_cnt_di t1 
on t.inc_day_new_b7 = t1.inc_day and t.area_name = t1.area_name;

-- 4.计算实际占比和波动占比,并计算js散度
drop table if exists db.area_cnt_di_02 ;
create table db.area_cnt_di_02 stored as parquet as 
select t.*
, log(2.7182818, 2*cnt_pct/(cnt_pct + cnt_b7_pct)) px_f1 -- px log部分计算结果
, log(2.7182818, 2*cnt_b7_pct/(cnt_pct + cnt_b7_pct)) qx_f1 -- qx log部分计算结果
, 0.5*cnt_pct*log(2.7182818, 2*cnt_pct/(cnt_pct + cnt_b7_pct)) + 0.5*cnt_b7_pct*log(2.7182818, 2*cnt_b7_pct/(cnt_pct + cnt_b7_pct)) js_value
from (
        , t.area_name
        -- 该地区数据
        , t.cnt
        , t.cnt_b7
        , t.cnt_b7_diff

        -- 整体数据
        , t1.cnt all_cnt 
        , t1.cnt_b7 all_cnt_b7 
        , t1.cnt_b7_diff all_cnt_b7_diff

        -- 各地区与整体数据
        , t.cnt/t1.cnt cnt_pct -- 当日各地区占比
        , t.cnt_b7/t1.cnt_b7 cnt_b7_pct -- 上周各地区占比
        , t.cnt_b7_diff/t1.cnt_b7_diff diff_pct  -- 差异占整体比例是多少

        from db.area_cnt_di_01 t  -- 各地区数据
        left join (
            select area_name, inc_day, cnt, cnt_b7, cnt_b7_diff
            from db.area_cnt_di_01 
            where area_name = '整体'
        ) t1  -- 整体数据
        on t.inc_day = t1.inc_day
    ) t

-- 5. 并计算每一天的js散度
drop table if exists db.area_cnt_di_03 ;
create table db.area_cnt_di_03 stored as parquet as 
select t.inc_day
, sum(js_value) js_value
from db.area_cnt_di_02 t
where area_name <> '整体'
group by inc_day;

-- 6. 合并数据,并计算各地区贡献度排名
drop table if exists db.area_cnt_di_04 ;
create table db.area_cnt_di_04 stored as parquet as 
select inc_day
        , area_name
        , cnt
        , cnt_b7
        , cnt_b7_diff
        , all_cnt
        , all_cnt_b7
        , all_cnt_b7_diff
        , cnt_pct
        , cnt_b7_pct
        , diff_pct
        , row_number() over(partition by inc_day order by diff_pct desc) diff_pct_rn
        , px_f1
        , qx_f1
        , js_value
from db.area_cnt_di_03
where area_name <> '整体'

union all 

select t.inc_day
        , t.area_name
        , t.cnt
        , t.cnt_b7
        , t.cnt_b7_diff
        , t.all_cnt
        , t.all_cnt_b7
        , t.all_cnt_b7_diff
        , t.cnt_pct
        , t.cnt_b7_pct
        , t.diff_pct
        , 1 diff_pct_rn
        , t.px_f1
        , t.qx_f1
        , t1.js_value
from db.area_cnt_di_03 t 
left join db.area_cnt_di_03 t1 
on t.inc_day = t1.inc_day
where area_name = '整体'



5.1 整体指标波动情况



5.2 归因分析结论

如下A、B部分主要展示指标是否异常波动,以及判断依据。C部分为异常维度定位,可用js散度值进行降序排序,D部分为Top N因素贡献情况,C和D实现点击联动,可查看对应维度的Top N因素。


