
Left Join



CustomerFollowup.Where(a => a.IsDelete == false && a.CustomerID == request.CustomerID).
GroupJoin(Org, a => a.CreateOrgId, b => b.Id, (a, b) => new { Followup = a, Org = b }).
SelectMany(t => t.Org.DefaultIfEmpty(), (a, b) => new 
{ OrgName = b.Name,Contents = a.Followup.Contents,}).ToList();


SELECT [o].[Name] AS [OrgName], [c].[Contents]
FROM [CustomerFollowup] AS [c]
LEFT JOIN [Org] AS [o] ON [c].[CreateOrgId] = [o].[Id]
WHERE ([c].[IsDelete] = CAST(0 AS bit)) AND ([c].[CustomerID] = @__request_CustomerID_0)


var TT = from p in CustomerFollowup
from Org in Org.Where(c => c.Id == p.CreateOrgId).DefaultIfEmpty()
from User in User.Where(c => c.Id == p.CreateUserId).DefaultIfEmpty()
where p.IsDelete == false && p.CustomerID == request.CustomerID
select new CustomerFollowupShow
Contents = p.Contents,
OrgName = Org.Name,
UserName = User.Name,

var TT2 = from p in CustomerFollowup.Where(a => a.IsDelete == false && a.CustomerID == request.CustomerID)
from Org in Org.Where(c => c.Id == p.CreateOrgId).DefaultIfEmpty()
from User in User.Where(c => c.Id == p.CreateUserId).DefaultIfEmpty()
select new CustomerFollowupShow
Contents = p.Contents,
OrgName = Org.Name,
UserName = User.Name,


var list1 = TT.ToList();
var list2 = TT2.ToList();



SELECT [c].[Contents], [o].[Name] AS [OrgName], [u].[Name] AS [UserName]FROM [CustomerFollowup] AS [c]
LEFT JOIN [Org] AS [o] ON [c].[CreateOrgId] = [o].[Id]
LEFT JOIN [User] AS [u] ON [c].[CreateUserId] = [u].[Id]
WHERE ([c].[IsDelete] = CAST(0 AS bit)) AND ([c].[CustomerID] = @__request_CustomerID_0)



from cus in query join user in User(u => u.IsDelete == false) on cus.CreateUserId equals user.Id into usertemp from u in usertemp.DefaultIfEmpty()
join org in Org(o => o.IsDelete == false) on cus.CreateOrgId equals org.Id into orgtemp
from o in orgtemp.DefaultIfEmpty() 
select new CustomersView




Inner Join

var objs = UnitWork.Find<CustomerFollowup>(a => a.IsDelete == false && a.CustomerID == request.CustomerID).

                Join(UnitWork.Find<Org>(null), a => a.CreateOrgId, b => b.Id, (a, b) => new { a, OrgName = b.Name }).

                Join(UnitWork.Find<User>(null), a => a.a.CreateUserId, b => b.Id, (a, b) => new { a, UserName = b.Name }).

                Join(UnitWork.Find<SysParamInfo>(null), a => a.a.a.Type, b => b.ParamValue, (a, b) => new { a, b.ParamName }).

                Join(UnitWork.Find<CustomerPhone>(null), a => a.a.a.a.ObjectUser, b => b.Id, (a, b) => new { a, b.Name }).

                Select(a => new CustomerFollowupShow
                    Type = a.a.ParamName,
                    Contents = a.a.a.a.a.Contents,
                    CreateTime = a.a.a.a.a.CreateTime,
                    ObjectUser = a.Name,
                    OrgName = a.a.a.a.OrgName,
                    Other = a.a.a.a.a.Other,
                    UserName = a.a.a.UserName




result.data = objs.OrderByDescending(u => u.CreateTime)
            .Skip((request.page - 1) * request.limit)
result.count = objs.Count();


SELECT COUNT(*)FROM[CustomerFollowup] AS[c]
            INNER JOIN[Org] AS[o] ON[c].[CreateOrgId] = [o].[Id]
            INNER JOIN[User] AS[u] ON[c].[CreateUserId] = [u].[Id]
            INNER JOIN[SysParamInfo] AS[s] ON[c].[Type] = [s].[ParamValue]
            WHERE([c].[IsDelete] = CAST(0 AS bit)) AND([c].[CustomerID] = @CustomerID)

            SELECT[s].[ParamName] AS[Type], [c].[Contents], [c].[CreateTime], [c].[ObjectUser], [o].[Name] AS[OrgName], [c].[Other], [u].[Name] AS[UserName]
            FROM[CustomerFollowup] AS[c]
            INNER JOIN[Org] AS[o] ON[c].[CreateOrgId] = [o].[Id]
            INNER JOIN[User] AS[u] ON[c].[CreateUserId] = [u].[Id]
            INNER JOIN[SysParamInfo] AS[s] ON[c].[Type] = [s].[ParamValue]
            WHERE([c].[IsDelete] = CAST(0 AS bit)) AND([c].[CustomerID] = @CustomerID)ORDER BY[c].[CreateTime] DES COFFSET @__p_1 ROWS FETCH NEXT @__p_2 ROWS ONLY





