
 create table student
    stuId int primary key,
    stuName varchar(20),
    stuAge int,
    birthDay datetime,
    stuAddress varchar(100)



方式一:insert into 表名(列名1,列名2...) values(值1,值2...)

方式二:insert into 表名 values(值1,值2....)  要求必须值要与列对应

insert into board(boardName) values('C语言')

insert into student(stuId,stuName,stuAge,birthDay,stuAddress) values(1,'张三',30,'1985-01-01','河南')

insert into student values(2,'李四',20,'1995-01-01','河南')

insert into student(stuName,stuAge,birthDay,stuAddress,stuId) values('张三2',30,'1985-01-01',河南',3)

insert into student(stuId,stuName,stuAge) values(4,'张三3',30) --错误

insert into student  values(5,'张三5',30)  --错误


方法一:insert into <目标表名>(列名)  select <列名> from <源表名> (要求目标表必须存在)


insert into studentinfo(sid,sname,sage) select stuId,stuName,stuAge from student

方法二:select <列名> into <自动创建的目标表名> from <源表名>(目标表可以自动创建)

select stuId,stuName,stuAge into studentinfo from student


删除:delete from 表名 [where 条件]

select * from product2(*代表选中所有列)--查询表中所有数据
delete from product2 --删除表中的所有记录
select * from product3
delete from product3 where pid=2

删除数据:truncate table 表名 == delete from 表名(删除表中所有的数据truncate 语句执行速度快,并不写入日志文件)

truncate table product3--删除所有数据


修改:update 表名 set 列名1=值1,列名2=值2... [where 条件]

select * from product
update product set price=price-200
update product set price=price-100 where pid=1
update product set price=price+500,createDate='2015-2-1' where pid=2
    update student set score=score+5 where cid=1 and score<95  and 表示 同时成立时才能加5
    update Student set score=100 where not score<100



查询所有列:( * :代表所有列) select * from 表名

select * from emp

查询部分列:select 列名1,列名2..from 表名

select empId,empName,empSex from emp

为列起别名: select 列名1 as '别名'... from 表名或者去as用空格代替

select empId as '员工编号',empName as '员工姓名', empSex as '员工性别' from emp(用as表示的)
select empId '员工编号',empName '员工姓名', empSex '员工性别' from emp(用空格表示的)

条件查询(where子语句) select 列名1,列名2.... from 表名 where 条件

select * from emp where empAddress='杭州'

select * from emp where empSex='男'

select * from emp where empAddress='郑州' or empAddress='北京'

select * from emp where empAddress='杭州' and  empSex='女'

select * from dept where deptNum>0

select deptName as'部门名称',deptNum as'部门人数'where deptnum between 2 and 5


特别注意 :聚合函数中不可以使用 where条件语句  可以使用having 语句限制条件

select COUNT(*) as '记录数' from product--查询有多少条记录
select MAX(price) from product--查询最大值
select MIN(price) from product--查询最小值
select SUM(price) from product--查询总和
select AVG(price) from product--查询平均值
select * from sales

语法 : select 聚合函数名 (所求的对象)

select SUM(productNumber*salePrice) from sales where ClientName='联想集团'

select SUM(productNumber) as '总数量', SUM(productNumber*salePrice)/SUM(productNumbe

---排序:order by 列名 asc(升序 默认是升序)| desc(降序)

分组函数:group by 列名 

select distinct clientName from sales
select clientName from sales group by clientName


select clientName '客户名称',SUM(productNumber*salePrice)'采购额' from sales group by clientName
--2.为分组函数添加条件使用having 添加聚合函数条件(where子语句中不能出现聚合函数)
--select clientName '客户名称',SUM(productNumber*salePrice)'采购额' from sales 
-- group by clientName having  SUM(productNumber*salePrice)>100000
select ClientName,SUM(productNumber*salePrice)  from sales group by ClientName having SUM(productNumber*salePrice)>100000        


select * from product
select * from sales


select productId from sales where productNumber>20  --1,2,3
select productName from product where productId in(1,2,3)


select productName from product where productId in(select productId from sales where productNumber>20)

--select productId from sales group by productId having SUM(productNumber)>50
--select productName from product where productId in(select productId from sales group by productId having SUM(productNumber)>50)


--排序:order by 列名 asc(升序)|desc(降序)   语法 :select *from 表名 order by 列名 asc或者desc
    select * from dept order by deptNum  --默认升序
    select * from dept order by deptNum asc --升序
    select * from dept order by deptNum desc --升序

    select * from emp where deptId=1 order by empId desc

--top关键字:获取前N条记录  select top N 列 from 表名 .意思为:查询出表中的前N条记录
    select top 3 * from dept --查询部门表中的前3条记录

    select top 2 * from dept order by deptNum desc
    select top 2 deptName,deptNum from dept order by deptNum desc

--模糊查询:like  %:代表任意长度任意字符  _:代表任意一个字符
    select * from emp where empName like '小%' --以"小"开头
    select * from emp where empName like '%小' --以"小"结尾
    select * from emp where empName like '%小%' --带"小"
    select * from emp where empName like '小_' --以"小"开头,并且后边只能有一个字符

    select empaddress from emp
    select distinct empaddress from emp
--is null 或 not null

    select * from emp where empTel IS NULL
    select * from emp where empTel IS NOT NULL
    select deptName as'部门名称',deptNum as'部门人数' from dept where deptNum>=2 and deptNum<=5
    select deptName as'部门名称',deptNum as'部门人数' from dept where deptNum between 2 and 5

-- in关键字
    select * from emp where empAddress='郑州' or empAddress='北京'
    select * from emp where empAddress in('郑州','北京')


create database empDB --创建数据库名empDB
on primary
log on
use empDB
create table dept
	deptId int primary key identity(1,1),
	deptName varchar(20),
	deptNum int,
	deptDesc varchar(100)
create table emp
	empId int primary key,
	empName varchar(20),
	empSex varchar(2),
	empAddress varchar(100),
	empTel varchar(11),
	deptId int foreign key references dept(deptId)
--插入:insert into 表名(列名1,列名2....) values(值1,值2...)

insert into dept(deptName,deptNum,deptDesc) values('市场部',0,'市场开拓')
insert into dept(deptName,deptNum,deptDesc) values('研发部',0,'产品研发')
insert into dept(deptName,deptNum,deptDesc) values('行政部',3,'行政相关')
insert into dept(deptName,deptNum,deptDesc) values('人事部',2,'人事相关')
insert into dept(deptName,deptNum,deptDesc) values('生产部',10,'生产相关')

select * from dept
insert into emp(empId,empName,empSex,empAddress,empTel,deptId) values(1,'小强','男','杭州','13111111111',1)
insert into emp(empId,empName,empSex,empAddress,empTel,deptId) values(2,'小花','女','杭州','13111111112',1)
insert into emp(empId,empName,empSex,empAddress,empTel,deptId) values(3,'小明','男','杭州','13111111113',2)
insert into emp(empId,empName,empSex,empAddress,empTel,deptId) values(4,'小红','女','郑州','13111111114',2)
insert into emp(empId,empName,empSex,empAddress,empTel,deptId) values(5,'张三','男','北京','13111111113',1)
insert into emp(empId,empName,empSex,empAddress,empTel,deptId) values(6,'李四','女','上海','13111111114',2)

select * from emp

--修改:update 表名 set 列名1=值1, 列名2=值2 where 条件
	update  dept set deptNum=2 where deptName='市场部'
	select * from dept

--删除:delete from 表名 where 条件==truncate table 表名 where
	delete from emp where deptId=2
	select * from emp

--查询所有列:(*:代表所有列) select * from 表名
	select * from emp
--查询部分列:select 列名1,列名2..from 表名
	select empId,empName,empSex from emp
--为列起别名: select 列名1 as '别名'... from 表名
	select empId as '员工编号',empName as '员工姓名', empSex as '员工性别	' from emp
	select empId '员工编号',empName '员工姓名', empSex '员工性别' from 	emp

--条件查询(where子语句) select 列名1,列名2.... from 表名 where 条件
	select * from emp where empAddress='杭州'
	select * from emp where empSex='男'
	select * from emp where empAddress='郑州' or empAddress='北京'
	select * from emp where empAddress='杭州' and  empSex='女'
	select * from dept where deptNum>0

	select deptName as'部门名称',deptNum as'部门人数' from dept where 	deptNum>=2 and deptNum<=5



